A two layer pie with a crushed pineapple bottom and a cream cheese top. Best when made a day ahead and served cold. Top each slice with whipped cream if...
This is a recipe I came up with when I had leftover persimmon pulp. It is a spicy pumpkin-like pie and is very good. Serve warm or cold with whipped cream...
Aunt Kitty used to make this Earl Grey cream pie for her famous tea parties. Sometimes she would finish it with orange zest on top of the whipped cream...
This is a wonderful pie that my grandmother Nancy Harding Clark use to make for me. It has been a family favorite for years and I share it in her loving...
A very easy '1, 2, 3' recipe you can whip together in no time with no baking. My grandma taught me how to make this, it is very enjoyable after a spicy...
My sister and I were looking for something that would remind us of the butter rum candies we both enjoy. Garnish this pie with whipped cream and butterscotch...
Many years ago when I moved to a high altitude area, I found that my meringues on my pies were flat and weepy, unlike those I had made at a lower altitude....
This is an old recipe that I've tweaked to be gluten free. I use an oval serving dish that is 8x13 inches at the widest points of the oval so obviously...
My grandmother would always make this for me for my birthday and if I was lucky on Easter. Once she finally gave me the recipe I could make it for myself...
Easy to make but impressive to serve, this decadent rich brownie filling in a sweet and salty pretzel crust is drizzled with caramel and served with a...
If you love Girl Scout Samoa Cookies, then this dessert is for you. Rich and creamy, this delectable dessert never lasts long in our family! You can also...
This is the 1999 American Pie Council 's National Pie Championship's first place winner in the Quick and Easy Category. Garnish each piece with a slice...
A rich maple cream filling, topped with cinnamony apples and a crunchy streusel topping - it's heavenly! You can even layer the maple cream and streusel...